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Having a meaningful career can make a world of difference in the quality of a person’s life. After all, most people spend the vast majority of their time at work. If a person hates their job then it almost inevitably means that their overall quality of life will be poor. If, however, a person loves their job, then chances are high that their quality of life will be quite high. Finding meaning in a career isn’t easy though. Many studies have been done on finding what the most common characteristics of a meaningful career are. For most people, there are a handful of things that ring true.


5 Things That Make Your Career Meaningful


  1. Feeling Appreciated – One of the benchmarks of a meaningful career is feeling valued. That means a person feels valued by the specific job they are doing, or they feel valued by their boss and coworkers at the workplace. Feeling underappreciated is a quick route to feeling dissatisfied with a job.


  1. Passion – People that describe themselves as being passionate about their job are 70 percent more likely to find the work meaningful. Passion is a very actionable feeling, as it typically leads to far more job-based productivity. Finding meaning in any career is much easier if the person has at least a little passion for what they do.


  1. Social Positivity – People are much more likely to feel that their job is meaningful if the social vibe at their place of work is a positive one. More and more companies are beginning to implement positivity policies as these programs can be absolutely crucial to employee satisfaction and mental health.


  1. Personal Values – Professionals often say not to mix not the personal life with business. This is an impossible feat, however. Often times a person will get the most meaning and fulfillment out of a career that matches up well with their personal values and ethical standards.


  1. Room For Growth – Without the possibility for growth in any profession, it will eventually point straight towards work burnout or serious career dissatisfaction. The human brain is designed to process a highly diversified set of information, without which, the brain starts to tune the mundane out and life satisfaction begins to drop.